Please Update to iOS 8
Many of you have been frustrated with all of the issues with iOS 7, but finally, Apple has fixed many of those issues and you can enjoy reliable mass texting again.
We recommend that you update your software to iOS8 for several reasons:
1. We experienced successful sending for every test message that was sent.
2. No more group size limits. Batch Mode is no longer necessary and you won’t see the annoying pop-up warning that says “Cannot Add ‘Johnny’- To send a message to more than 0 recipients, they must all use iMessage”
3. Improved Group iMessage functionality.
4. Accurate iMessage/SMS Information. If you want other users to see replies, address the message to iMessage users and make sure the recipients are BLUE. If you don’t want recipients to see other recipients or use “reply-all” function, add non-iMessage recipients and make sure recipients are GREEN.
There is only one apparent problem with the iOS8 update. If the group is larger than around 100 recipients, you will likely see a long delay after tapping on a group. In testing on an iPhone 5, a group of 200 recipients took over 2 minutes to launch a text. This is not a programming error. There is a function of iOS8 that verifies whether each recipient is an iMessage user or not. That process takes time. Because of the time delay, we now recommend that you limit your groups to about 100 recipients. You may use groups that are larger than 100, but be prepared for long wait times.
If you would like to reduce the wait time for large groups, please turn off iMessage.
The settings requirements are the same for iOS 8. Please check your settings. Often, the settings are changed when performing a software update. Please open the Settings app and find the Messages section. Adjust the settings to:
iMessage: ON
Send as SMS: ON
Group Messaging: OFF
If all of the recipients have iMessage, the message will be sent as a “Group iMessage” and recipients will be able to see other recipients and their replies. To avoid this issue, you can add atleast one non-iMessage recipient or turn off iMessage and MMS. If a Group Messaging option is not present in your settings, then that instruction is irrelevant.
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